Lemington Riverside Primary School

What do our families say?


Every year we ask our families for feedback on what we do well as a school and how we can be even better. Here is the feedback our families gave us in summer 2024:



100% of respondents to the survey said that they would recommend Lemington Riverside Primary School to another family.


What people say we do well as a school…

“Everything. The staff are very approachable and caring of the children. The way the school funding is used to help parents. The school is always being improved for the better. My child is extremely happy with his school and that’s what is important to us, he talks so highly of all the teachers and school staff. We recommend Lemington Riverside to anyone!”

“This school provides a lovely, warm, caring atmosphere. I love that every staff member knows the name of every child.”

“Excellent communication between staff and parents. My child is supported and any concerns are addressed. Fun and engaging activities are organised for the children.”

“Since Mr Heeley took over as head teacher the school has blossomed and there has been massive changes in every department. As parents we should be very proud of Lemington Riverside and all of their staff! Thank you!”

“Look after the children & do everything to protect the children.”

You all do absolutely amazing in what you do!”

“They are there for everyone when you need them. They provide amazing trips for the children at no cost to families.”

“The early years schooling has been a phenomenal experience for our children. They both enjoy going to school and they have developed so much during their time here.”

“This school always puts the children first.”

“The school listens to children’s views and opinions.”

“The school always listens and respects parents and children who have any issues. I have never had any complaints about the staff at Lemington Riverside – they give each child 100%.”

“You provide a great education.”

“You go above and beyond for every child – nothing is too much trouble.”

“You always put the children first – you understand that everyone is different.”

“You’ve helped my young child learn new things. They love earning Lemington Pounds!”

“This school pushes children to the best of their ability.”

“You meet everybody’s needs.”

“Contact between the school and home is especially good.”

“You encourage kids to love being at school!”

“You are fantastic at treating the child as a whole; meeting their scholastic, physical, spiritual and emotional needs.”

“You communicate and listen to parents concerns well.”

“Everything – the kids love coming to school!”

“You support and encourage every child.”

“Help and support our children thrive and make their school time warm and welcoming - not just to children but to us parents too. The support love and dedication this incredible school has towards our children and parents is just astonishing - thank you!”

“You include all children in all school activities. You always help the children to be more confident in themselves.”

“The support that both of my children have received since coming to this school is out of this world! The support from all of the staff is amazing very quick on referrals (for extra help) when needed and not just supporting of the kids but the parents also! My kids are very happy at this school!”

“You do everything great. I do not have a complaint about this school!”

“Brilliant. You meet my child’s needs as well as you can.”

“You always put the children’s best interests first and make school amazing for the kids!”

“The staff are absolutely amazing. It’s the best thing that I’ve done move my kids to Lemington Riverside – they go overboard for everyone.”

“They listen and understand that every child is different. It is a caring, safe place where problems are solved quickly. Excellent communication.”

“You motivate children and keep them excited with all of the activities.”

“Making every child and adult feel welcomed. Always cheering them on for their achievements. Always believing in them and always pushing them towards their goals!”

“You really care about the children and their education. The school has really changed over the past few years and that is down to the staff.”

“You’re all amazing at this school – I couldn’t fault you in any way. My little boy has come on so far since coming to Lemington Riverside. Keep up the amazing work!”

“You keep children safe and they do well in their education. Great support and the teachers are always there to talk and keep you informed.”

“You do everything well. The children are always happy when I get them from school!”

“You make every child feel the same and feel accepted.”

“This school goes above and beyond – it is an amazing school. I would recommend it to anyone since Mr. Heeley took over. It’s been totally transformed. The best school around!”

“Keep doing everything you are doing – all of the staff need more praise for everything you do!”

What people think would make us even better…

(Our responses to the points raised are in blue)

“I can’t think of anything off the top of my head, but if I did I would feel comfortable contacting the school and bringing it to their attention.” Thank you, we are really pleased you feel comfortable in approaching us as we always welcome feedback from our parents and carers 😊.

“A school-home diary might be useful for passing information regarding your child.” Thank you – all children have a home-school reading diary and we are happy for messages to be passed between home and school in the reading diary. We always pass on any important to parents at the end of the day and we are always around at the beginning or end of the day to chat if you wish to speak with us 😊.

“Stop making school so good for the kids 😉- I can never get them out of the playground at home time haha!” We love this! 😊

“A shelter on the rain for collection and drop off times” Yes we agree! We are looking at funding sources and options to build sheltered spaces for pick up and drop off times. All of our budget to date has been spent on making our outdoor spaces as brilliant as we can for our children. 😊

“Less focus on football at times for children who have interest in other sports, such as basketball.” Thank you for your feedback, we always want to expand our wider offer of activities! Now we have joined the West End School’s Trust (WEST) we are being invited to lots more sporting and extra curricular events which include a much wider array of sports. Watch this space! 😊

“Keeping younger children safe in the yard as bigger kids playing football and the ball flying around. If the football pitch was fenced off it would be a lot safer.” Thank you – this is a really valid point and an issue we were made aware of last month. Since then, we have banned footballs on the playground before and after school to ensure everybody is safe. At playtimes, we only allow ‘penny floater’ footballs, again to keep everybody safe. We will continue to monitor this and act on any further concerns that arise.

“Seats for parents to sit on and a shelter when raining.” Yes we agree! We are looking at funding sources and options to build sheltered spaces for pick up and drop off times. All of our budget to date has been spent on making our outdoor spaces as brilliant as we can for our children. 😊

“More homework and projects.” Thank you for your feedback. We are constantly evolving our homework offer – children can access a range of online learning activities at home through our subscriptions to Lexia and Times Table Rockstars. We will have a think about how we can build in more project-based home learning in the future. 😊

“Healthier dinners.” Thank you – our catering team work within strict guidelines around ingredients and the quality of produce that are used in our school meals to ensure they are healthy and nutritionally balanced. We also have a ‘help yourself’ salad bar available every day. If you have any further questions about our school dinners you are welcome to get in touch directly 😊.