Lemington Riverside Primary School

Holidays in term time

Any request for leave of absence due to holidays in term time will not be authorised.
The Department for Education (DfE) does not consider a need or desire for a holiday or other absence for the purpose of leisure and recreational circumstance, and therefore there is no entitlement in law to time off in term time.
Young people who are absent from school fall behind in their learning. They miss out on school events. Many find it difficult to catch up. In addition, school staff have to divert their attention away from other young people in order to support those that have fallen behind due to a holiday related absence.
In the case of unauthorised leave of absences, incurring 10 or more unauthorised sessions (5 days) within 10 school weeks, consideration will be given if a referral should be made to the Local Authority for a fixed penalty notice to be issued or prosecution where repeated penalty notices have been issued.
Where the threshold has not been met in the case of persistent avoidance, for example, repeated absence for birthdays or other family events, the school will have discretion to refer the case to the Local Authority.
If in an individual case the Local Authority believes a penalty notice would be appropriate, they retain the discretion to issue one before the threshold is met.

If you intend to take your child out of school during school term-time you must complete an 'unauthorised absence notification form' at least three weeks before the planned absence - these forms are available from the school office.