Lemington Riverside Primary School

End of year letter to the community from our Chair of Governors

Dear Parents and Carers,

What another wonderful, exciting and eventful year this has been in the life of Lemington Riverside Primary School. Yet again, many great things have been achieved during the year and the staff have all worked tirelessly to create an amazing and inclusive school all aimed at meeting the needs of every child. 

You will have seen improvements made to the school premises this year – with the entrance area being refurbished and the main yard now having an outdoor gym in place, as well as further improvements to our Early Years Garden.  Work will be continuing over the summer break with all of the classrooms from Reception to Year 6 being refurbished with new carpets and furniture. All of these things add to the school being an amazing place for your children to attend. 

The children have again enjoyed the many trips and visits that have taken place during the year. These adventures have now been extended with Lemington Riverside enjoying being a part of the West End School’s Trust (WEST) and so taking part in the many great new opportunities that this brings to the school. In particular, the links with like-minded schools and many local organisations open up fantastic learning opportunities.  

For year 6 pupils – this is the point in the year when we say goodbye.  Planning is in place to ensure a smooth transition to their new schools. I hope that they settle in well and take all of the opportunities that will come their way in the years ahead.

As always, the school is now very much looking towards the future and plans are being worked on to bring more exciting and innovative experiences to all of our children.

Finally, I would like to thank Mr. Heeley and all of the staff at Lemington Riverside Primary School for their incredible dedication and hard work over the last twelve months and hope that they have a well-earned rest over the summer break and so be ready for the challenges ahead.

Very best wishes to you all.

Bob Wilson

Chair of Governors