Lemington Riverside Primary School

Meet the Governors


Governor Appointed by Governor Responsibility
Bob Wilson Governing Body
  • Chair of Governors
  • Chair of Finance, Staffing & Premises Sub-Committee
  • Safeguarding
Barbara Moorhead Governing Body
  • Vice Chair of Governors.
  • Chair of the Curriculum & Standards Sub Committee
  • Link governor for the wider curriculum
Craig Heeley Ex-officio by virtue of office as headteacher/principal
  • Headteacher
Colum Donaghy Governing Body
Deborah Gibson Governing Body
  • Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) and The Bridge
Jamie Robson Elected by parents
  • Health and Safety
Leanne Lamb Foundation Trust
  • Inclusion (Attendance/Behaviour/Personal Development)
Liz Langfield Foundation Trust
  • Cover Link Governor
Marcus Rowe Elected by parents
  • English & Phonics
Stacey Latty Governing Body
  • PE & Healthy Schools.
Tom Lloyd Nominated by LA and appointed by GB
  • Mathematics

The Clerk to the Governing Body is Samantha Triggs (samantha.triggs@newcastle.gov.uk).

You can see further details about our Governing Body, including governors terms of office, on the Get Information About School website by clicking here.